Friday, July 15, 2005

Back from the dead...

or how mones got her writing groove back and re-embraced her love of ellipses...

hello friends! wow, i can't believe how long it's been since i've posted. thanks to my friend jen, i got the itch (ewww, not that kind) to start writing again. maybe writing is my calling. maybe i'm just vain and think that what i have to say is something people would be interested in. either way, i still come out good.

since we last left our heroine...

god, where to begin. i mean really, not a whole fucking lot has happened in my life or ever really does. hence the inactivity. i mean since december i've fallen in love with the office (UK) and re-connected with strangers with candy. javi finished his baking and pastry program and my mom got a chihuahua for mother's day. my parents and uncle frankie bought a house they are fixing up and i will soon be without a car for the first time in 12 years. oh and two blasts from the pasts came back into my life and are here to stay [well, one i know for sure (hi vinnie!) and the other i'm hoping does)...

yeah so i guess shit has happened...get over it.