Thursday, December 16, 2004

uno, dos, tres, catorce!

hello, hello...HOLA!

hello friends. i'm back after a self-imposed hiatus. i've just been soo busy with my fabulous life of learning how to cook for myself and watching TV and netflix rentals that i needed a break from the blogger world. so, what have i been obsessing over the last month or so? LOTS. and luckily for you, it's pretty much all TV related. i love TV.

america's next top model rocked my world this season. eva won!!! i love her. she was definitely my favorite. maybe it's cause, like most sistas on reality TV (and like myself), she kept it real. maybe not. but either way, i'm glad she won and that biotch yaya lost. god, i hate her. eva just has something that's very appealing. she's pretty but not intimidating. her skin is beautiful and she has amazing eyes. i have a girl crush on eva. yes, i take this shit very serious. (or is it seriously?)

and now that ANTM is finished, i can devote my full and complete attention to arrested development. a show i place second only to the simpsons. i'm re-watching the first season thanks to netflix and i have to say it's so much better than i remember it. there are so many little things you miss when it first airs. it's the smartest comedy out there. the cast is amazing and dare i say it, jason bateman is kinda cute...kinda. never saw it on the hogans. maybe i was too distracted by sandy duncan's glass eye. i also have a girl crush on portia di rossi. anyways, people who don't like this show are the dumbest people in the world.

TV on DVD is one of the greatest thing ever. EVER.

let's see...what else do we talk about...

javi is finally in full force pastry chef mode. he's in the second section of the program, cakes. last weekend he brought home a tiramisu cake. (insert homer simpson gurgle.) he came home yesterday with all kinds of chocolate splattered on his uniform. he looked like he knifed a bitch. the other week he brought home a chocolate decadence cake. it was ecstasy. breads are next. YES!

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