Thursday, November 18, 2004

so, now that i've moved into my new place

i think i'm too good to write in my blog??? yes, yes i am.

totals JK, homies. i've actually got nothing to say. i've logged on everday this week and could not come up with one damn thing to write. i believe there are 2 reasons why.

numbah 1 - my 'boss' is out on vacation until the end of november. he's been gone for a week now and it's been pure unadulterated heaven! i've been reading everything that the internet has to offer. i heart the internet.

numbah 2 - i'm not really as stressed out as i used to be. as a result, there isn't much in me that needs to be released into creative energy. life - stress = no blog entries.

aside from my cool friends' blogs (i'm talking about you amber, sara, and jen, you fine sexy thangs) i've also become addicited to 3 entertainment related blogs. Go Fug Yourself is awesome if you are into talking shit about celebrities who dress badly. THE POOL HOUSE is awesome if you are obsessed with the most awesome show on TV, The OC. and last and certainly will never be considered the least in my heart and mind, my BF, zach braff's blog for the movie 'garden state'. people, i'm in love with this guy. he is amazing. and don't think i'm hopping on the 'garden state' bandwagon. i've loved him since the very first episode of scrubs. i will beat down any bitch that talks shit or says that they love him too.

one day he will be mine. oh yes, he will be mine!

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