Wednesday, September 03, 2008

MsMonis, wedding photographer?

i'm so excited! i'm so excited! i'm so scared!

my coworker just asked me to take pictures at her wedding! can i handle that kind of responsibility? what if i mess up? what if i'm great! what if i forget to take the lens cap off! AHHH!

next stop => for important professional photog accessories.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

i'll take the compliment

i received an email from a former co-worker today, a cute older filipino lady who's a cross between my grandma and tweety bird. due to office bullshit she no longer works here but has filled her days since grinding daily in various ballroom dance classes and world travel.

anyways, she asked about my acting and mentioned that she thought of me the other day when she went to the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 because i remind her of america...which only reaffirms my belief that i should have been cast as her older sister in real women have curves and not the gordita from stand and deliver.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

that which i love, i also really suck at

oh man, do i have a lot of work ahead of me.

i had my first group voice lesson on monday. i may have entered fearful yet excited but i sure as hell left scared shitless yet frustrated.

so it started out ok. we sat in a circle and our teacher, the awesome stephanie, had us all introduce ourselves and tell a little about our musical background, why we were there, etc, etc, etc.

-pinay had no musical background/experience (yay!) but did have a karaoke machine at home (uh oh). pinay + karaoke = a lot more experience than you think.
-mild mannered girl had taken the class already
-janis joplin-lite had experience singing with a band and hurt her voice by singing lots of janis joplin songs with no previous training. again, experience.
-nice older white couple (husband & wife) were next. she used to sing in the church choir. he used to play in a band
-so-called stage fright girl can SANG but has stage fright...allegedly.
-theatre geek girl studied theatre tech in college. and sang along back stage. she also plays rock band with her friends.
-chick who reminds me of the runaway bride but without the crazy eyes has experience. like lots.
-little man plays multiple instruments and apparently wrote, produced and played on an album.

so, yeah, after intros we had a little warm up. then we learned an easy little blues song called "centerpiece". we all sang it as a group over and over until we learned the words and melody and then we each got a chance to sing a verse into the microphone. since we were all singing together i didn't dwell too much on the part where i messed up. the only mess up in the group. then, the sweat glands started working overdrive when we each had to get up in front of the group and sing the song by ourselves. nice older white husband went first and was OK. since no one volunteered, i went up second. eh, not bad, not great. i may have held at least one note for more than a second. everyone else went and you could tell that each person up was a little better than the last. pinay had some tempo problems but she has a decent voice that will get better with time.

hot messness ensues...

the class is part voice, part performance. for 7 weeks, we'll work on 2-3 songs. at the end of the 7 weeks we will perform 2 songs in a little voice lesson showcase in a public place. i was one of 3 people who brought in the music for a song we wanted to work on. due to some chemical imbalance, i went first. i chose a song that i have loved for more than half my life. a song i practiced for about an hour the night before. this song is part of the soundtrack of my life. it's an r&b classic. a classic that took me 2 notes to step on, burn, pee on, burn again, spit on, then poop on, then i took it to the butcher and had him make sausages out of it.

i won't get into all the hitzness. it was just bad. i might as well have been standing up there naked with boogers hanging out of my nose. i don't think it could have been worse.

as keeks has said, it can only get better. the man is a blithering idiot but he makes sense. it's a class and i'm there to get better, or based on my performance, i'm there to not suck so much. while i'm intimidated by the other students, and my insecurities have risen to orange alert, i don't feel threatened. scared of what's ahead, but not threatened. it's a nurturing environment with an amazingly nice teacher. (who knew germans could be so neat?!?) i also have a really awesome friend in keeks, my musical partner in crime. we conquered the C major scale together and climaxed at 2 madonna concerts. i've been his audience and #1 fan for the mint, rehearsals, or just about anytime he wants to bust out some pentecostal hand waving and wailing while waiting for MUNI. it's his turn now.

most of the pieces i need to become a singer are in place. zen-like patience and hero-like courage will follow.

Friday, August 22, 2008

i'm as happy as a little girl

here i go, can i resist ya?

Monday, August 18, 2008

q.e.p.d. eloy chavez trujillo

Originally uploaded by MsMonis
i have few memories of my tio eloy. two of the most prominent are of him driving and me telling him where to go. it's weird the things you remember as a kid. the most lucid was in san francisco after 4th of july fireworks at crissy field. we were lost in the avenues and i, ever the smart ass, helpfully kept telling him we lived on 26th STREET, not avenue. the other, more blurry was in mexico city, trying to keep up with my dad, but falling behind due to traffic. it was night, and i remember a well lit tunnel and his dark shadow in the driver's seat.

i was at my grandparents house in mexico for vacation the summer he got sick. one night, i woke up in the middle of the night crying. i didn't know why and couldn't explain it to my grandparents. according to my grandma, i said i was sad and felt like crying. the next day, my mom called with the news that my uncle had passed.

i may not have many memories of him; i don't remember his voice or how he walked. i don't remember the last time i saw him. i do, though, still remember the sense of loss and the sadness i felt then and whenever i wonder where life would have taken him had he been given more time.

Friday, August 15, 2008

i'm getting this on a t-shirt

cause in life, all we need is a witness.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

that which i love, i also fear

as angel plays on pandora, i'm reminded of my childhood and my beloved pink boombox and the fisher-price tape player that preceded it. i spent many an afternoon, in my room, with a pencil in hand, singing and dancing in front of the mirror accompanied by my tape player. i loved those tape players. i think, though, what i loved more was the joy singing along to my favorite song of the moment gave me. as a child, whether or not i was good was never an issue. i sang and danced with the reckless abandon that only a 7 year old could. in my mind, i was just as good as those junior vocalists on star search. it wasn't until i tried out for choir in the 4th grade (and didn't see my name on the list of those who made it) that i began to think otherwise.

as i grew older, and moved from bath to shower, and as my boombox got bigger and upgraded from tape only to tape & CD, my boombox started accompanying me into the bathroom. behind closed doors, with the water running, i was able to sing along to lucero de méxico in the same way i sang along to like a virgin when i was 7. the intimacy of the shower freed me to be the mariachi diva i knew i was meant to be. she never surfaced in my high school days. low self-esteem is a crippling bastard.

in my 20's, sick of lingering self-doubt and the remnant teasing from my college friends, i took a couple of singing lessons. mentally, i don't think i was ready to hear how truly awful i was. so i went back to acting classes. mainly because it didn't hurt so bad when i fucked up, everyone did. my desire to be on stage was fed but, without singing, was never truly satiated.

so, this year, the year in music, i'm learning to play the piano on the advice of the voice teacher i had. in june, i had my first voice lesson of my 30's and in a week i'll have my first group vocal lesson. not really the same as singing like a prayer at the mint and definitely not the same as singing in the shower. i think i'm prepared for the work i have ahead of me, but nevertheless, self-conscience and scared out of my mind.

only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.
-dorothy thompson

as heard in the office

"the weather is so unpredictable. i never know what to wear when i walk [my dog]. one morning i put on a heavy turtleneck and fleece vest and i was too warm and the next morning i put on a lighter turtleneck and thinner fleece vest and it was too cold."

am i the only person who finds this hysterical?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

thanks, but no thanks

while on vacation i got a call for an interview for a job i really, really, really, really wanted. i got denied today. what really sucks is that i've been giving my boss the cold shoulder for some time now and we recently had a conversation about why. so after telling her she sucked i was hoping to shove my resignation letter in her face this week.

looks like the secret doesn't really work after all.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

out of sight, out of mind

man, it's been too long. i wish i could say that i was whisked away from my dull life by my principe azul, shia "stud muffin" labeouf, and we were so busy gettin it on that i couldn't get to a computer. i mean, i could say that, but that would be an untruth. i may lie to you, but i would never say an untruth.

july is vacation month and this year i spent it in san diego, at comic-con 2008. yes friends, this year i wore my inner nerd like a cape, flying heroically in the breeze. my brothers and i had been planning this trip since i bought the 4-day passes last november. yup, i bought the tickets 8 months in advance.

i'm not into comics or manga or collectibles. so why would i go? let me count the ways...
1 - i bought and viewed all three extended editions of "lord of the rings" upon release and watched every special feature included in the 4 discs.
2 - i love mystery science theater 3000. we bought the VHS tape of the movie and watched it obsessively. it's currently playing on HBO. in the past month, i've watched it 4 times. to quote the movie, "whoopty shit".
3 - the clerks cartoon is possibly the funniest cartoon ever created. kevin smith is a god.
4 - the day after a new episode of "lost", i spend the good part of the day online reading recaps, forums and theories. this usually entails having lostpedia up all day.

so that's just an abridged list. i left off my love of "the simpsons", "family guy" and "star wars", because really, who doesn't love that stuff. am i right? anyways, while comic-con had miles of comic book vendors for my bros, it also offered many a delicious panel, ripe with humor and occasional hot guys. the lines were long and, often times, slow, but we were able to get in to most panels.

panels worth mentioning

family guy - thanks to a hilarious clip we all left knowing that, in fact, the bird IS the word.
entertainment weekly's visionary panel - kevin smith, judd apatow and microphones. heaven.
mystery science theater 20 year reunion - comedy gods.
lost - held in the biggest hall at the convention center (6,500 seats), i waited in line for an hour and a half. i finally got in and seated half way through the panel. just in time to see matthew fox. he sucks, but that's kinda cool anyways.

semi-worth mentioning is the simpsons panel, if only for the clip. come on, you can't have a panel and not have any of the voice actors. that's just wrong.

panels nerdier people who waited longer got to see that i/we didn't

bones - i love this show...and david boreanaz's sweet ass.
the ghost whisperer - my bi-montly visits to my parents house start with a little JLove and her hecka cute outfits. followed by whatever novela is on at 9pm.
smallville/supernatural - this one really hurt my brother, tito. these are his favorite shows, and about hundreds of other people's too. they stopped letting people in at one point and he just waited. broke my heart. no joke.

so that, plus a trip to sea world where a crazy asshole seagull jumped on our table and ate my hamburger, was my vacation.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

change location, change attitude

so, in august, i will celebrate my 3 year anniversary at my present job. i'm hoping to not reach that milestone.

i've been rather indifferent about this job since the beginning. i walked out of the interview thinking "man, that bitch is irritating as fuck!", referring to my current boss. i can read people like a book. it's a gift. i should have listened to that feeling, but the allure of more skrilla and not being somewhere i hated was just too tempting. so the newness of it all faded quickly. after a full academic year, i had learned most of what i needed to know and just coasted by. my boss grew more and more irritating. (how many fucking times do i have to hear about the camping trips you take with your dog?) i spent more and more time online and the monotony grew into indifference.

within the last 6 months, that indifference turned into all out rage so i actively started looking for a job. on thursday, i turned in my application for what, on paper, seems like a perfect job. i got a call today. i have an interview on monday.

right before i dropped off my application i called my mom. she just finished reading "the secret" by rhonda byrne and i asked her to use her new found powers to hook a sista up. SECRET!

Friday, July 11, 2008

stupid bitchism of the worst kind.

last night i was having a deep conversation with my main g, keeks, about stuff. you know deep stuff. during the course of the conversation i made the following remark:

now, with everything i do, i ask myself "is this something a stupid bitch would do? if it is, i do the opposite.

this lead to my confession that one of my worst fears in life is being considered a stupid bitch. this may be worse than my fear of someone thinking i smell. (i shower everyday but if you had the freaskish sweat disorder that i have then you'd consider it a valid fear too.) at least there's something you can do about smelling. stupid bitchism is fatal.

say it with me now!

i will not be a stupid bitch.

i guess you can call it my creed in life. my guiding principle.

i didn't always follow this creed. i was once a stupid bitch, or at least (i hope), did things stupid bitches do. i won't go into specifics as i'm at work and don't want to remember things and be found in the fetal position under my cubicle...but let's just say i knew one too many guys who had spent some time behind bars. yeah, i said guyS. anyways, that's all in the past. a prehistoric MsMonis. i've evolved into someone who thinks differently about stuff and herself. i'm not saying i'm better, or even that i'm that different than who i was. i just think more about who i am and how i want the world to see me. it's not that i care what people think of me, but honestly, it's not like i don't care. i want an active part in how people perceive me and my actions.

plus, let's face the facts. i judge. all things. all people. if there was a supreme court in the land of judgementalness, i would be chief justice. i'd win the olympic gold medal in the 100yd judge-atholon. it's this thing i do. i know it, you know it, the american people know it. i can't really in good conscience judge the stupid bitchism of others if i'm running around screwing married men, taking my top off for Joe Francis or being a Kardashian.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 03, 2008

i hate people.

that's nothing new. all my friends know this. it's who i am. it's how i see the world. if you think that's sad then suck it! i probably hate you already anyway.

my boss has developed an obsessive habit of cutting her fingernails at her desk. it's a daily thing. i really don't know how long her nails, or anyones for that matter, grow on a daily basis, but everyday i hear "snip, snip, snip, snip". everyday in between shopping for new furniture or checking camping sites online and telling everyone that calls her how overwhelmed and busy she is, she's cutting her GD fingernails in her messy, dusty ass office. EVERYDAY. AT HER DESK. i understand that it's a basic grooming activity. everyone does it. but it's one of those things that should be kept strictly in the bathroom, or at least at home. are you really that busy when you get home at night that you can't wait? why do you even have nail clippers at work? the last thing i want is to walk into your office while your clipping away and have a piece of nail hit me in the eye. from the way you leave shit around the office without putty it away, i sincerely doubt you make the effort to make sure all the scraps end up in the garbage. my disgust of you knows no bounds.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

word of the day


: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, boredom

tell me about it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

racist, schmacist

if it's racist to notice that a large percentage of public nose-pickers is of a certain persuasian then consider me a klansmen...and totally grossed the fuck out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 salvation

have you guys heard of this dice thing called pandora? it's basically an online customizable music station. it's basically keeping me from taking everyone out at work.

about 3 years ago, before i realized just how important renter's insurance was, my apartment was broken into and my beloved ibook was stolen. not only was my at-home internet access taken, but also a way to add music to my ipod. i made due with making CD's on my brother PC and using my girl, jen's, imac to upload music sporadically. but now jen's computer, and jen, are in spain. i, unfortunately, can't afford a computer yet and, even more unfortunate, don't have any friends that have a mac. plugging into a PC is not an option as there are songs on my ipod that were not saved on a CD. so, my ipod remains at 1,717 songs from 2007 and before...

i had heard about pandora from people at work whose musical tastes i didn't necessarily share, so it didn't register as something i would be interested in. earlier this year, sara mentioned it during one of our gchats. i thought, "she seems neat, i'm bored with the 'that thing you do! soundtrack' that's been on repeat for 2 weeks, i'll give it a try!".

so the first thing you do is create a station by typing in a song title or artist that you like. i let me authentic self decide for me and typed in LISA LISA & CULT JAM. what followed was 6 hours of musical diceness that i had not experienced since the mix tape i made in the summer of 87. lisa lisa, stevie b, shannon, seduction, exposé, trinere. all my childhood memories in one place! i may have shed a tear or two.

from there, my stations grew. bell biv devoe station, 4 minutes station, shakira station, even a hall & oates stations for those easy listening days. the greatest part, when a song comes on that's hitz, you can tell pandora you don't like it and it will NEVER PLAY IT AGAIN! it's like a dictatorship and i'm drunk with power!

pandora has helped me get through my increasingly mind numbing days and has also reminded me that the shit they play on the radio here in the bay area is not representative of what's actually out there. while i don't have the most discriminating taste, i do, as you know, like stuff that is dice. pandora let's me remember the good ol' days of new jack swing and reminisce on the love i have of freestyle. it has also opened my eyes to artists like miguel bose and rbd. how did i live without mi amante bandido?

what i'm trying to get across is that pandora is dice and there's just no other way around it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i know you seen me on powell street (true)...i had to let you know that I got a crush on you...

dear security guard at the union square BofA,

i have a crush on you. it may not seem like it when i'm dragging myself up powell street and pass you, but i do. i'm the girl who walks up that small grade like it was mount everest and sweats like roger ebert. i think i have a medical condition. i also totally stare at you until you look my way. we've made eye contact 5 times. i've counted. i've also thought about smiling once. but i don't want to scare you off by being too forward.

anyways, underneath that sweet, sweet sweat, is a girl that's funny, passionate, semi-artistic and kinda neat. i also clean up pretty nice. i'm hoping that that one day that i'm wearing a skirt, have my hair and make-up done and need cash, you'll be there.

one day, i'll get the courage to accidentally bump into you. i'll say "sorry", you may or may not say anything. either way it will be the best conversation ever.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bringin back the old school...

i have new found respect for little olivia kendall.

it should come as no surprise...

the rainbow flags went up along market street 2 weeks ago which means it's june and g pride is all up on us. it's here, it's queer, and i'm more than used to it. living in san francisco, with both my girl and boy BFF's gay as the good lord made them, i can't help but feel happy to live in a city where the chances they'll be gaybashed by a swarm of nazi skinhead klan memebers is considerably less than say bumfuck, oklahoma. it's also neat to know that, in this same city, i can see bare asses on a float in the middle of a major street one sunday every june. warm fuzzies, indeed. this year brings a special treat as i will not only be attending the parade and festival with my main g, keeks, but also his GBF from college, peter. he who hooks us up with all kinds of music and fun videos. (well, he hooks keeks up. i just benefit from sloppy seconds. i have no shame.)

did you know that some lesbos got married at city hall yesterday? those kooky kids.

so anyways, in the midst of all this gayness, how can one not get all swept up. i mean, the pride parade is the one SF annual event that i make a point of attending. i've never been to the chinese new year's parade, i have yet to attend carnaval. maybe it's because neither can boast past perfomances by en vogue and exposé. or maybe because there's no promise of 2 men dry humping in the middle of a gloria trevi performance...we may never know.

it wasn't until i was grooving to pandora at work and crystal waters came on that i knew why i hearted the gays so much. i knew that, while not gay in the sexual preference sense, on the inside i was a gay man. i've been one for years. it could have started with my love of musicals as a child. sure the 1st was "muppets take manhattan", but a musical is a musical is a musical. and if, my idol at the time, ms. piggy wasn't diva enough for gay iconhood then i don't know who was. which reminds me, "9 to 5" was one of my favorite movies thanks to early 80's HBO. hello? dolly parton? kathy griffin on "suddenly susan"? HILARIOUS. then there's the fact that i loved this and was obsessed with this. i would have to say, though, that my inner g was born on october 11, 1988; the day of my 11th birthday and the first national coming out day.

coincidence? fate? nothing to do with anything? you decide.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

slowly spiraling into bankruptcy...

i never fancied myself a good money manager. i have a retirement account and an IRA that i never touch, which is good. but i have a credit card with a 5 digit balance and a savings account with a balance that fluctuates up and down, not steadily up as one would desire.

part of the problem is that i'm of the mind that i shouldn't deprive myself of things that i want/desire/covet. i buy in moderation of course. i mean shit, i have some self-control. which is why i haven't bought this or this. what but can i say, i like stuff...nice stuff.

so last month i dropped my beloved nikon d50 (with brand new tamron lens attached). the lens walked away without a scratch, but the camera body, not so much. i'd like to mention that i spent many hours debating new lens vs. new camera earlier in the year. new lens won since i didn't "need" it, my camera was working fine. i appreciate the irony, but curse it nonetheless. so i researched and posted on forums and cried. then i posted on forums, cried and researched. in the end, i realized what the universe had wanted for me all along and upgraded to a nikon d300 and deepened my debt.

then came the announcement of madonna's sticky and sweet tour in the fall with a november stop in oakland. i first experienced a madonna concert in 2004 from a decent, but still hitz, balcony seat. the experience had a major impact on me (it's still one of the best nights of my life) and it was then that i vowed that: 1- i will always attend a madonna concert and 2- it's floor seats or death! keeks and i were able to get floor seats for confessions and decided to join the fan club this year to be eligible for presale tickets. after some hitzness with "legacy" vs. "platinum" members we were able to get floor seats and make madonna $800 richer. unfortunately, they weren't as good as our confessions seats. so we took advantage of another fan club only sale and got 2 more better seats for her 2nd night in oakland. so now, we have floor seats for both nights. madonna: +$800 MsMonis: -$800

i'm going to san diego with my brothers for 5 days in july; plane tickets & hotel already paid. but i'm also planning a trip to the east coast for my birthday and one to barcelona in the spring. i also need to find a way to pay my rent and buy groceries. it's obvious which of those is a "need" and which is a "want". but i guess it depends on who you're asking, my brain or my soul. and judging from the amount of debt i've accrued, my soul wins out every time.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

i couldn't help but wonder...

so it's a week and a day until the SATC movie premieres. a week and a day that might as well be a year and a month. with the exception of the confessions tour CD+DVD, it's been a VERY long time since i've been this excited about a movie. sure after spending a whole day watching the extended versions of the first two LOTR movies, i was beside myself with anticipation to see "the return of the king". and sure the long awaited simpsons movie came out last summer. but it doesn't compare to the growing feelings of excitement and anticipation i'm feeling right now. excitement may not be the right word here. like, my heads gonna explode i can't wait for this damn movie to start.

i first fell in love with SATC watching the end of a season 3 marathon on HBO. i immediately logged onto amazon to get what i needed: the 1st season DVDs. i really don't know what it was about these stupid white bitches that i loved so much. maybe it was their shiny hair and flawless makeup. maybe it was their manolos and slutty ways. it's not like i identified with them or even liked them. there was just something about the show, a certain je nais se quoi. fascination won the best of me.

for a number of reasons, i'm feeling like this is a low point in my life. my boss is unbearable, my good friend moved to spain, accumulating too many dateless saturday nights to count...there are few things that are keeping my spirits up.

madonna in oakland, piano, keeks, my new camera and this movie. sounds like the perfect prozac to me.

oh, and if you were wondering, i'm a miranda.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

there's still one gentleman left in the city...

if you've been to the burger king in civic center you know it sees it's fair share of less than desirable clientele. but today there was at least one guy there that was surely raised right by his mama.

we were both headed to the exit and he stepped in front of me, not to be a jerk and exit first, but to open the door. surprised, i smiled and thanked him.

i'm sure this type of thing happens often. i'm sure in the south it happens every time a woman walks through a door. but why did it stick out in my mind so much? was it the neighborhood? venue? the fact that men rarely hold the door open for me? (except keeks, thanks to his militant gentelmanly ways.)

it's not even a big thing. he held the door open for me. big whoop. it's not like i can't do it. it's not like i expect it to be done for me. i've lived the greater part of my life hating everyone and believing that, quite simply, people suck. but there was something in that small gesture that made an otherwise unbearable day not so damn soul-sucking. i'm not recording an album or on the set of the new ricky gervais comedy, but at least for that moment i wasn't invisible.

so thank you fine sir in the yellow snow jacket. thanks for inspiring this post.

Thursday, May 08, 2008




Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MsMonis reviews "hard candy" by madonna

i got madonna's new album today. it's been on repeat on my work computer all day. i think i've ingested enough of it to give my honest opinion.

now, i know you 10(s) of readers out there are wondering how i am able to listen to an album that doesn't get released until april 29th. mind your own damn business, reader(s)! oh and on a totally unrelated topic, thanks peter! you rule!

so, awhile back i got a leaked version of track 8 on the album, beat goes on. like a number of her songs, the lyrics left much to be desired, but the beat was DICE! i was immediately hooked and giddy with anticipation to see what she would follow "confessions" up with. and don't get me started with 4 minutes. i got the version played on air in france and was hooked. i played that shit over and over and over again, and i think i have the french spoken over it memorized. my love of marching band horns knows no bounds!

ok, so i'm happy to report that "hard candy" is 50 mins of pure unadulterated DICENESS! (there's one absolutely HITZ song that reduces the time for pleasure.) i know many people (he who shall remain nameless, KEEKS) were apprehensive of the direction madonna was going with this album. but, luckily, she didn't stray too far from authentic madonna: sassy, funky white girl who loves to spin. she kept it real by producing a fun dance album.

MsMonis' dice list:
she's not me hands down the best song on the album. whistles, claps, disco-y, funky, made me do the electric slide all over my apartment.
heartbeat good dance beat, with a hint of freestyle mixed in. the breakdown is dice and i love the "til my booty get down" part.
beat goes on a completely different version than the leaked one i mentioned earlier. while i love the the other version a tad bit more (stupid lyrics and all) this version does not disappoint. get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta your seat...totally.
4 minutes obviously
miles away yearningly, melancholy lyrics, booty shaking beat. best of both worlds.
spanish lesson oh madonna, your love of latinos makes me forgive your pronunciation of spanish.

MsMonis' hitz list:
give it 2 me i gave it 2 good listens before deciding that this will be the one i skip past. i read that this is a pharrell track too, which is disappointing.
devil wouldn't recognize you while i technically like this song and think it's good, i just can't get past the timbaland stench that infests it. and this is coming from a women who still bumps his first 2 albums on her ipod.

so that's it friend(s). madonna is dice and that's pretty much all there is to it. if you don't think so then the terrorists have won, because someone obviously hates freedom.

MsMonis is not a licensed music critic, but someone who likes things that are dice.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

i am woman, hear me roar

nothing can get your panties in a wad more than hearing your own grandfather say the words "no woman is going to tell me..." in a sentence.

luckily, all i inherited from him was big earlobes.

Monday, March 31, 2008

i remember way back when...

i never got a chance to go to KMEL summer jam as a kid. didn't attend any school dances other than freshman homecoming and senior prom. i blame most of that on my parents moving us to's a long complicated story, but if you know me you know how that makes sense.

regardless, i still fondly remember that magical time in the late 80's and early 90's when music meant something to me. when you could turn on 'in living color' to learn a cool dance move from the fly girls (pre JLo). when i would record 'yo! mtv raps' after school for my brother to watch when he got home from work. when bell biv devoe rapped about needing a 'body bag' and my 12 year old ass had no idea what they were talking about.

so, when BBD, tony toni tone and keith sweat came to oaktown for the 'ladies night out tour' i quickly sent out a call to the 2 friends in SF that both had a hip-hop-on-an r&b-tip-with-a-pop appeal to them.

the rest is moet.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

they don't make music like this anymore

did that really just happen?

i woke up VERY late today. got to my bus stop at around 9:30am. as i'm striking a fierce pose waiting for the bus, a man in a mustard colored pimp suit with "fur" hat offers me some shiny faux-lexes. i shake my head no and he moves on to the next muni patron.

when did i move to time square?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

it makes me dance

it's really worth it afterall

Originally uploaded by MsMonis
i got a little present in the mail yesterday. a nikkor 60mm f2.8 micro lens. it's everything i dreamed of and more.

special shout out to uncle sam for giving me back what's mine.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

my liz lemon moment

i was just helping a student at the counter and glanced down to notice a piece of lettuce in my hair...

one day we'll be together liz's density.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

is it wrong to have nice things?

so i kinda have a little obsession and i've been obsessing over this obsession all day.

i obsess over all things camera related.

this obsession has made me spend a large part of my tax return.

did i mention that i don't have my tax return yet?


back off.

i don't need your judgement.

Monday, February 25, 2008

and the oscar goes to...

Originally uploaded by MsMonis
i'm not the only one who practices my oscar speech in front of the mirror on a regular basis, right?




Friday, February 22, 2008

shitty day, but then i saw this...

it's been a pretty "meh" day. got a headache. hate my job. wondering if i can can squeeze in new white sneakers (nike's? k-swiss?) in next month's budget. then i checked my homegirl's blog and saw this.

taking everyone out with a machete will just have to wait until my millionth viewing.

Friday, February 15, 2008

stupid fresh!

this baby is way better than you.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

a valentine, from me to you

no seré
julieta venegas

no seré, una mujer perfecta
de las que volteas al ver pasar
no seré, alta y maravillosa
pero sé lo que puedo hacer...

no sabré andar como una princesa
ni vivir como en alta sociedad
y no sé engañar a tu corazón
pero sé que te puedo hacer...

y aunque muchas veces no se lo que quiero
y aunque digas sé que veo todo negro
no quiero irme de aqui
para estar cerca de tí
porque sé que te puedo hacer... feliz

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ha-pee valentimes!

another year brings me no flowers, no box of chocolates, no reservations at a romantic restaurant. just another night with my *G* BF, keeks. we'll go see step up 2 the streets (what a stupid title) and then a rose-mantic dinner at...denny's? mel's? chevy's? definitely somewhere with a possessive apostrophe in the name. over dinner we'll discuss what things will be like when we finally make it, hollywood style, how *dice* we are, why everyone else sucks. during the movie, we'll make witty, sarcastic comments, comment on dance moves, and wish that the 14 year old "urban" kids next to us would shut up. the world is our single person's oyster.

but, i couldn't help but wonder, what would valentine's be like to spend with a heterosexual male? it's sadly never been an option in my life. yes, dear reader(s), MsMonis is unlucky in love. but what single, neurotic girl in the city isn't...are you with me?

does it really matter that i don't have a valentine? i mean they don't even know if st. valentine was one actual person or many? so, who gives a crap he/they has a day. they can be facist anarchists and it still wouldn't change the fact that i don't have a date. my singularity (if you will) has long ago comforted me to the fact that it's just another day, no matter what hallmark tries to tell me. i've come to realize that it's the other holidays/special days, where it matters. and it's not about having a BF. it's about being around the people you really truly <3, and who really truly <3 you. sure, it'd be awesome to have someone to make-out with tomorrow. but it could never beat the love i feel when i sit down with my family to have thanksgiving dinner. or the joy i feel sitting in a theater, watching a shitty b-movie with my main *G*.

who knows. maybe someday, the person i make-out with can squeeze into the seat next to mine.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

people who should die

and now it's time for the segment in our show i like to call people who should die.

smokers. yeah, that's right, i'm talking to you, you disgusting pieces of trash. not only are you trash but you're flippin' idiots who are killing yourselves. oh, and not only that, but you are killing those around you. GREAT JOB!

what's that you say, it's a free have the right to smoke and kill yourselves if you want? fuck you. you're free country having right is not just your problem. especially not when i'm walking down the hill to catch the bus and i'm stuck behind your cigarette puffing ass. did you know that when you blow out the smoke it doesn't magically disappear?
it blows in my face, you asshole! oh, and when you're at the bus stop, there's a thing called wind that carries the smoke over to other people. and i have to breathe it in, you selfish prick! oh and i see you parent who smokes around their child. i feel an asthma attack coming on just thinking about the damage you're doing to your poor kid's lungs. i hope CPS take your kid away from your murdering ass!

here's to wishing you die a slow painful death...but i guess that's a bit redundant, isn't it?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

cool, a spork! don't hurt me!

cool, a spork!
Originally uploaded by MsMonis
(quote courtesy of The Simpson, episode: Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood)

hi. it's me, MsMonis. remember me? it's been almost 3 years now since we last talked. i know you feel abandoned & let down. and i know i'm the cause of your pain. is it my inability to follow through? my desire to not seem vain? my complete and total laziness? maybe it's all three, or maybe it's like a lot the last one and a little bit of the first 2. either way, i'm back and asking you to give me a second chance. i was foolish. i didn't realize how important you were to me. you WERE a creative outlet! you ARE a valid form of expression. you aren't just a vanity project. someone who's half filipino/half white once told me we were good together. despite envidence to the contrary about her kind (nia peeples, rob schneider, vanessa hudgens), she makes a lot of sense! did you notice the pic? reminded me of one of my favorite lines from the simpsons, and there was no one else i wanted to share it with. i hope you like it.

what's that? you want me back too? non-capitalization and all! i promise you that i won't let you down again. we'll do things right this time!!! we'll mix it up so it won't get boring! we'll be that couple everyone wants to be!!!! we'll go nuts with ellipses and exclamation marks and run-on sentences...!!!!!!!!

alright, so....yeah...what do ya wanna talk about?